Can We Support You?

If you work with a charity or local project in the Bromley and surrounding area that helps support vulnerable children, we’d love to hear from you.
As a non-profit making charity, Ada & Albert fundraises to support children under the age of 16. We fundraise through our events programme and charity boutique, and use the proceeds to provide tangible support to local children’s projects and initiatives, either by purchasing items they need, or by providing them with funding.
Everything we do has a single goal – to help children reach their potential and give them the best possible start in life.

If you would like us to consider supporting your project, first:

Read our FAQs to find out what information we will need in order to make a decision, and to get more guidance on what we are and aren’t able to support.
• Gather all the information you need, and make sure any support you may need from us has been properly costed.

Then, once you have all of the information ready, please fill in our online application form.
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