“I have always felt that the greatest psychological asset a human can possess is; the power to believe in what may be possible…” – Terry Pullen (Founder)
This character trait enables us all to have ambition to learn, achieve and challenge ourselves, through the good and bad experiences our lives encounter and without it, an individual can lack both purpose and hope, which in children and then adults can lead to negative thinking and potentially destructive behaviour.
Most people’s self-belief is inspired by the support and encouragement of a loving parent, parents, guardians & carers, who genuinely only wish the best for their children and their futures.
Children who do not have this support or love are therefore not only often deprived, of what many take for granted in terms of food, clothing & a safe environment, but they lack any opportunity of learning how to ‘believe in themselves’ and dream of brighter futures.
When the team were initially discussing the idea of ‘Helping Children in our Community’ we tried to identify what we could do to have the most impact and we soon realised that the ‘lack of belief’, in some young people, was something we wanted to make people aware of along with helping to tackle the problem.
With your help and the appreciation of how damaging to an individual and the wider community a life without purpose is, through Ada & Albert we can jointly take action to give some children a reason to feel supported and loved by delivering totally unexpected help in a way that they need it most.
Personal experiences have given us the desire to create a Charity that can offer practical help when urgently needed, which in turn may also ignite a spark in the children that somebody cares and that they are not alone.
With the combination of your help and Ada & Albert's focus on delivering specific benefits to specific situations the good we generate may change a child’s life forever and also help us keep our own lives in a sensible perspective to others.
Thanks to you all Ada & Albert is now officially launched and through your donations of clothes, volunteering and pledging some money, you are directly helping us to issue grants, which will have an immediate impact on children that live in our very own neighbourhoods.
We want our fundraising to be fun and proactively focus on positively engaging people to help others whilst giving a thought to appreciating how lucky, most of us are.